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Ensuring stakeholders across the business embrace the concept of invoice automation, and to address any apprehension of automation and its impact on jobs – is fundamental for the success. One of the key benefits is that the automation brings better work and jobs for the staff, and better performance.

The delivery of the MVP may be the first experience of UIA for most people in the organisation. As a result, it’s vital that this step in the process runs as smoothly as possible. From our experience, we know there are four key factors in successful MVP:

  • the appropriate stakeholders agree and document that the automated process is the right place to start
  • the baseline KPIs and metrics of the chosen process are agreed with the process owner and captured in advance
  • information governance teams are involved in developing the MVP and approvals are in place to process data automatically
  • key stakeholders, including the utility invoice automation champion and process owner, see the automated demonstration so they can understand the potential business benefits.

Implementing a successful MVP will have a significant impact on the ability to demonstrate what automation can achieve, helping progress the invoice automation journey.

We’ve managed multiple utility invoice automation projects across a range of functions and – once all approvals are in place – the invoice automated process can be built in just days. With such a low amount of time invested and with such potentially high benefits to be realised, delivering the MVP should be seen as essential for any organisation embarking on their own automation journey.

Automation is for humans, after all – Your human workforce can be a major obstacle to UIA success — or your biggest strength. Strive to build a strong automation culture and to bring your people along for the ride.

Organisation maturity with automation – our UIA product capabilities ensure that clients can understand where they are on their automation journey and easily understand the suitability to your own invoice specific requirements.

Figure 1: Organisation maturity in automation


Some key points to consider:

  • Find the right sponsor.
  • Think of Utility Invoice Automation product as your virtual workforce interacting with applications and invoices like humans do. It is an enabling product.
  • Plan for enterprise-wide automation.
  • Consider UIA as a business-matter not technology.
  • Foster knowledge and strong communication.

afto – UIA product, a continuous learning and improvement journey

afto UIA Product is uniquely placed to help you. We put the user at the center of the process. Empathy, understanding of user needs and pain has been the key to successful design and development of the afto product and happy end-users. We focus on meeting business goals of our clients, defining and satisfying end-users needs and at the same time making sure the afto product is configured and implemented as one of your enterprise applications.

Figure 2: A continuous process of learning, developing and delivering the right utility invoice automation (UIA) product.